
Team office, workshop room, workPLACE AT HOME

We have prepared examples of different working environments for you.
Let yourself be inspired or use the data as a starting point
for your own planning!

Simply click on the preview image and off you go.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - partitions

    4‑persons office

    High walls and nevertheless transparent. Room partitions and table tops protect against infection and reduce noise.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Team office with communication zone

    Working on projects

    Working together on projects really efficiently takes space. Our example has a floor space of 15 x 8.5 m.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Open Space

    Open plan office 2

    8.4 x 17 m area: With twelve workstations, small communication zones and a separate workshop and meeting room.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - 2-person office

    2‑person office

    We used 4 x 6 m for our office with 2 workstations. With sit/stand desks, it becomes a real feel-good ambience.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Conference room

    Conference room

    Sound absorbers on the wall and slats on the windows ensure good acoustics in the room with 16 seats.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Workplace at home

    Small workplace at home

    The compact solution: This home office workstation is suitable for anyone who only works at home occasionally. Tabletop: 80 x 60 cm.  

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Coffee bar

    Coffee bar

    There are often unused passageways that, with a little skill and good planning, can become meeting places and workspaces.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Teleworking


    Working at home without a separate room? With good planning and homely furniture, that’s also possible.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Open Space

    Open plan office 1

    Our Open Space comprises twelve fixed workstations as well as meeting and lounge areas on a nearly 8 x 16 m area.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Canteen


    The canteen as a multifunctional place. Team meetings and short discussions can also take place here.

  • IBA OfficePlaner - Workshop area

    Workshop room

    The office of the future is a place for meeting and learning. A workshop room is then a good complement to the classic office.

From planning to implementation

Let your design become reality. 
You will find the right products
in sustainable quality in the
showrooms of the IBA members.
Right here in the IBA Forum.

To the showrooms in the IBA Forum

Benefit from our network of Experts

Do you have specific questions about the implementation of your planning or would you like a quotation? Then you can also contact one of our specialised trade partners. You will always receive good advice there.

Your own planning in just a few steps:

Create a room, select furniture and place it. It’s that simple. You can do that too!

You need help?

IBA OfficePlaner - Contact

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